Saturday, April 11, 2009


Today a friend told me about being annoyed with a drip last night in her New York City apartment. As she grew angrier and angrier she opened her eyes and saw the full moon
sitting next to a very bright star. She got up from bed and sat in a chair looking at the moon 
and the star and the silhouette of the buildings beneath them and felt a profound connection to something greater and to the drip. 
Many, many years ago in a land far, far away there lived a people with a direct connection to the earth. There were dripping sounds from the dew coming
off the rock ledges and the same moon and star bathed everything in light even though it was
considered night. They honored their connections to what had come before and left images for those who would follow. We are connected to them just as assuredly as we are connected to the moon and the star. This realization lessens the anger, returns it to an annoyance and finally to a connection to everything and one's self. 
What a blessing to have such a friend(s). 

1 comment:

greatfact said...

Liked the observation... how about one a day?