For all the flaws in our human nature we do contain the seeds of our own improvement; an improvement that has been, with fits and starts, an ongoing one now for as long as we’ve been around. These fits and starts are most often accompanied by parochial interests (i.e. “Make American Great Again”). When “we” (all humans) set aside these parochial interests in favor of universal ones then we will be taking the big leap to an improvement outside the petty little circles of self-interest that continue to plague our lack of understanding and thus “progress” (in the very best definition of that word). To place free speech, non violence, cooperation, human rights and an acknowledgement of our human fallibilities above our competitive instincts, while promoting science and education above military might, will be the true dawning of a new age of enlightenment. To accomplish all these in a manner that recognizes no “others,” but rather embraces the ideal of being “a citizen of the world” will be a joyous occasion with very little precedence save for a few courageous souls who have so eloquently attempted to inspire us in this quest for unity. To say the world economy is becoming global, that this world is becoming a smaller place, while ignoring our continued small view of who we are in it, is the disconnect that makes our lack of progress in the areas above so poor. Begin thinking of yourself as more than just a consumer or competitor in a global economy. Begin to think of yourself as a member of the global economy, then take the next awakened step to citizenship; seeing not the competitive score, but appreciating the realization that you are part of (as opposed to apart from), the whole team.
--LPC 2/16/18