Saturday, November 26, 2011

Autumn Clematis

Bridgehampton, NY/November 26, 2011

I stand in awe of the beauty and mystery that surround me.
These autumn clematis, well past the flowering stage, dancing on my terrace.
What I do not see now, while it surrounds me will go unseen. If I don't
record this and share it, it will go unsaid, unwritten, unappreciated. Vanish.
This is everywhere: life. The life of each seed, blossoming into each and
every flower, tree and blade of grass.

Saturday, November 5, 2011



All is just a speck to me
Gliding on a distant sea

Drifting on a different tide
Way away the other side

Nowhere else I'd rather be
All connected seamlessly

Never want a little more
Reaching for another shore

Evermore a speck to me
Sheer beauty of infinity

Flotsam, jetsam, bit of foam
All is but a place called home

Time and space now I see
I've become a speck to me

Larry Carlson 11.5.11