Sunday, December 15, 2013


Villa des Amis 12-15-13

Inside this clay jug are canyons and pine mountains
And the maker of canyons and pine mountains
All seven oceans are inside, and hundreds of millions of stars
The acid that tests gold is there and the one that judges jewels
And the music from the strings that no one touches,
And the source of all the water
If you want the truth, I will tell you the truth;
Friend, listen…
The God whom I love is inside     


Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Someday I’ll be a weather-beaten skull
  resting on a grass pillow.
Serenaded by a stray bird or two.
Kings and commoners end up the same.
No more enduring than last night’s dream.


Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is not our darkness but our light that frightens us most.

We are not passengers on the planet but participants in its evolution.

We have the power to make the transition from fear of nature to a deep sense of connection with her.

Anything can change when we change the way we look at it.

Attention is the most powerful tool of the human spirit.

Through shared experiences, the generation now growing up has a broader sense of global issues and possibilities and a reality that moves beyond ‘my country’ and instead embraces ‘our planet.’

The most effective means of changing people’s minds usually involves grasping the minds they already have.

Teaching is, at its heart, an act of optimism.

Optimism is a way of viewing possible futures with the belief that you can affect things for the better.

Technology/the internet helps make the strange familiar.

This has an overall positive effect on how we think about others in our shrinking world.

It illuminates our similarities and connects us to our common humanness.
It confirms Forester’s admonishment to “only connect.”

Optimism always wins.

You are more likely to find solutions if you believe they are there.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Villa des Amis/September 2013/LPC


This existence of ours is as transient 
    as autumn clouds.
To watch the birth and death of beings 
    is like looking at the movements 
    of a dance. 
A lifetime is like a flash of lightning 
    in the sky.
Rushing by like a torrent 
    down a steep mountain.

Global Warming

Swiss Alps/2008/LPC

Global Warming
There was ice here
Huge sheets of it
Clinging to the earth
Carving the soil
Pushing in retreat
Leaving contours
Creating conditions
For new life
Including mine
I have clung to the earth
Pushed it 
Left contours
Created new life
They will say 
I was here
My offspring
They will do the same
Then be gone
The ice will return
Take comfort in that
                     ---LPC 9/25/13